Thursday, January 31, 2008


Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome is my final year project. Well, there are three modules in my project. It consists of transmitter, receiver and interfacing with the personal computer. I am sure it is going to tun out to be a success for all infants. I Am planning to approach few clinics and doctors in order to market my product. Let us find out more about this syndrome.
A lack of answers is part of what makes sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) so frightening. SIDS is the leading cause of death among infants who are 1 month to 1 year old, and claims the lives of about 2,500 infants each year in the United States. It remains unpredictable despite years of research. Even so, you can take steps to help reduce the risk of SIDS in your infant. First and foremost, put your infant to sleep on his or her back if the baby is younger than 1 year old.

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