Wednesday, April 16, 2008

10,000 BC

Yesterday i happened to watch the recently released film 10,000BC. This bit of fake-folk wisdom commences the voice-over narration of 10,000 BCV, and the more you think about it, the mnore preposterous it seems. Directed by Roland Emerich, has made something of a speciality in staging- with a maximal bombast and minimal coherence- end-of-the -world scenarios.
the first part of the movie was quite thrilling but the later half was quite boring as there was little thrill on the substance.
I would rate this movie not too high, maybe just an OK..


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Anonymous said...

Hi Koushik nice Blog dear!!! Its really a great movie & I love this movie.If you want to have a laugh, go to the 10,000 BC movie.The only GREAT thing about this movie is the action sequences.wanna watch this great movie then go through the link and watch this awesome movie.Download 10000 BC Free Movie