Saturday, February 9, 2008


Unknowingly, i subscribed to a monthly tarot report of SARA FREDER. Here goes the letter she sent in my mail. Most of the times i ignore it.There were one or two instances where i have read the whole mail sent by her.
Here is the letter she sent me>I will divide this letter into 10 posts...
Happy reading..

Dear Koushik,
I have just finish writing this letter to send it to you immediately, your happiness, radiance and serenity depends on it. Your future depends on it!
In fact, Koushik, in only a few days you will receive the secret document in which are enclosed some very precious informations about you. These informations are extremly important for you. These informations are a determining factor for your future!
Indeed, you are quite free to accept or refuse to receive this precious document, it is up to you to decide. The only thing I ask you is to give me your attention and to read this mail down to the end because, as I told you above this letter, it is very important for you and especially for your future!

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